云端灣景 萬科傾心呈現 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
Located at the core of the Central BusinessDistrict (CBD) of Shenzhen, the Binhai Cloud Center is the first Super Grade-Aoffice from the Shenzhen Vanke Properties catering to Finance and Sci-TechCorporate Headquarter tenants. New and sophisticated transportation network ofthe CBD – including airport, harbor ports, subways, expressways, highspeedrailways – connects the district and the project to the greater urban grid ofSE China and to the world.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
When AG took on the interior design of theproject, our team seeks response to two particular questions through our designprocess : first, is to fulfill the dual functional requirements of a sales& promotional venue and that of a corporate office; second, is to helpraise product premium while setting an iconic branding quality for VankeProperties.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
The Binhai Cloud Center has a distinctiveL-shape that is suitable for both office and exhibition space; our open planlayout allows visitor to naturally glide through the journey of programs – fromfront desk to model exhibition area, office, and conference room. The connectivity and fluidity between programzones enables multi-functional use of certain spaces when connected orsegregated. Respecting the architecture design, we worked along the facademodules and column grid, incorporating them into our internal space plan, inorder to bring the city view into our space and to let in maximum daylightingfor work.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
Lighting devices on the wall behind thefront desk resemble stars of a galaxy, which is visually connected with linearfeatures on the ceiling creating a linear and planar interaction.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
On the left of the entrance, the modelexhibition area displays a background wall playing advertisements of the brandto interact with customers and simultaneously exhibit its brand strength.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
On the right, the Tiffany art glass screenbecomes a visual focus that draws people into the space.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
The multifunctional office and the leisure roomcreate a 45° space where people can have a panoramic view.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
The kitchenette occupies a 90° space inorder to enhance efficiency of cornered space. Also, the undulating aluminiumpanels on its background wall break boundary of the space and make kitchenettevisually merge with the surrounding space.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
In the conference room, the sinuous lightstrips around mega columns lighten their heaviness and make the overall spatialquality “floating” and comfortable.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
Throughout the journey, space occupiesvarious different programs, which are distinguished by different use of colourand furniture; colour and furniture are moderately used in office area comparedto those of public area. This way of defining space is very natural andeffective.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
Undulation and curves are elementsrepeatedly used in the Binhai Cloud Center. Meandering through the interior,velocity of the curves creates rhythm and a cadence of space form. The color and materiality of the undulationsare carefully articulated; the use of white material adds to the futuristicatmosphere and boundlessness of common area. And juxtaposition of dark color stone/ grey carpet to the white aluminumceiling flow-lines creates a hierarchy in a mesmerizing space where oppositescoexist. In the public area, rows of chairs and artworks are located, each ofthem becoming a key space of the project that will spark curiosity of visitors.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
The material palette we chose is relativelysimple, yet we seek to utilize and maximize the materiality of each. The undulating white material panels are usedto indirectly guide natural light in, through the glass curtain wall, to createa comfortably lit indoor environment; the natural grey stone adds to thetactile quality; and the Tiffany blue glass screen divider – with silk inlaid –gives an artistic touch to the overall futuristic design. To add to these, the geometrically shapedloose seating, patterned grey carpet, and chrome coffee table, add a sense ofmodernistic sentiment to the project. We hope that through our design articulation,we can bring a soft ambience to the sleek work space.
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 開啟全球租賃
▼ 車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 分析圖 開啟全球租賃
▼ 車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)辦公展廳設計 平面圖 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)外觀圖片 開啟全球租賃
車公廟 濱海云中心(萬科濱海云中心)云端灣景 萬科傾心呈現 開啟全球租賃
2018年09/07 22:16 | |
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版權所有: | 深圳市陸壹捌捌玖信息咨詢有限公司 | ||||
聯系電話: | 0755-61967921 郵箱:abc@61889vip.com | ||||
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